Is Reconstructive Surgery Covered by Personal Injury Damages?

Many severe types of accidents, such as catastrophic car crashes and dog attacks, cause disfiguring injuries that require reconstructive surgery. If a victim is deemed to require reconstructive surgery, the cost of the operation could be included as a compensable damage in a subsequent injury claim. Get help from a Las Vegas personal injury attorney at Koch & Brim, LLP if you need to file this type of case in Nevada.

What Is Reconstructive Surgery?

Reconstructive surgery, also referred to as plastic surgery, can play a significant role in enabling a victim to recover from a catastrophic accident, both physically and psychologically. Reconstructive surgery can improve a victim’s quality of life, self-esteem and outlook for the future. 

This type of operation is commonly recommended by physicians after severe types of injuries, such as: 

  • Third-degree burns
  • Chemical exposure
  • Facial injuries
  • Deep lacerations
  • Compound bone fractures
  • Limb injuries or amputations

Plastic surgery can be used to replace damaged skin with new skin, repair decimated tissues, rebuild a victim’s facial features, reduce the appearance of an injury or scar, and improve a patient’s overall appearance and mental state. Unfortunately, not all accident victims survive their injuries and may pass away during or after reconstructive surgeries.

Types of Compensation Awarded for Personal Injuries

A personal injury claim can bring victims closer to a full recovery and provide closure for this traumatic chapter of life. It is an opportunity to hold one or more parties accountable for causing extensive injuries. While no amount of money can undo the paid endured from an injury, a successful case can order a defendant to pay financial compensation, or damages, to cover claimed losses.  

Available damages may include:

  • Medical expenses as a result of the accident
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • The victim’s pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages

A claimant can seek both economic and noneconomic damages in a Nevada personal injury case. The potential value of a claim and the types of damages available will depend on the circumstances of the injury. If the victim underwent reconstructive surgery as a direct result of the injury, the price of the operation could be included as a compensable economic loss.

Reconstructive or Plastic Surgery Costs in a Personal Injury Case

Reconstructive surgery can be listed as a victim’s medical expense in a personal injury claim. If a surgeon or doctor recommended plastic surgery as part of the victim’s recovery process after a car accident or another type of incident, the victim may be able to seek compensation for the expenses of this medical procedure.

The person or party at fault for causing the victim’s injury could be forced to pay related damages in a civil lawsuit. In most cases, a defendant’s insurance company pays for any settlement or jury verdict awarded to the plaintiff. If the defendant is uninsured, however, the victim’s own insurance company may provide first-party coverage for losses, including all necessary surgical procedures.

For assistance recovering the costs of reconstructive surgery as part of a personal injury claim in Nevada, contact Koch & Brim, LLP for a free consultation. These are complicated legal matters that often require oversight from experienced attorneys.