How to Use Ridesharing Apps Safely in Las Vegas 

Ridesharing apps are often cited as a way to avoid drunk driving and as a more affordable option to hailing taxi cabs. However, rideshare apps come with some risks. Uber reported 998 sexual assault incidents, which included 141 reports of rape, in 2020. Lyft received more than 4,000 reports of sexual assaults on its app from 2017 to 2019. Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed in accidents involving rideshare drivers, who usually only need to have a valid driver’s license and insurance to get started working on one of the rideshare apps.

Below, we provide some tips on how to use rideshare apps safely in Las Vegas from our rideshare accident lawyers.

Plan Ahead

Before requesting a ride, make a plan ahead of time. Consider the best time you can go to your destination. Some apps let you schedule a ride up to 30 days in advance in Las Vegas. This can allow you to avoid heavily-trafficked areas or rush hour.

Book Together

It can be safer to take a rideshare in a group. This can help keep you safe while also allowing you to split the cost with someone else.

Check Reviews

One of the benefits of rideshare apps is that they provide a profile for each driver and collect reviews from previous people who took trips with them. Check the ratings and previous experiences other riders had with the driver before confirming a ride.

Request the Ride While You Are Inside

If you request a ride on the street, you could put yourself in danger. Imposters sometimes circle around bars, clubs, and other popular venues in search of victims. Being on the street and noticeably waiting for a driver can make you a potential target. Avoid this risk by requesting your ride while you are inside the venue and not leaving until the driver has arrived.

Confirm Your Driver’s Details

Unfortunately, there are people who impersonate rideshare drivers, so be sure you confirm the driver is who you think they are before getting in the vehicle. The driver’s name, car model, and license plate number should match the information on the driver’s profile. You can ask the driver to confirm their identification so you do not accidentally get in the wrong vehicle or ride with someone who has ulterior motives.

Confirm Your Name

As an extra security measure, have the driver confirm your name before getting in the vehicle. You can ask, “What’s my name?” so the driver has to confirm your identity from the information in the app. It’s critical that the driver is the one who says your name rather than just nodding after you say your name to prove they know who you are.

Sit in the Back Seat

The best place to sit during a rideshare is in the back seat so you can avoid unwanted physical contact and you can monitor the driver’s actions better.

Stay Alert During the Drive

While you may have been drinking or are tired, keep in mind that you are riding in a confined space with a stranger. Avoid dozing off or being so involved in your phone that you become unaware of your surroundings. Make sure your driver is traveling in the right direction by using GPS to follow the ride.

Share Your Ride Information

Use the “Share my ride” feature to share your trip details with a trusted third party.

If you are hurt in a rideshare accident, contact Koch & Brim’s Las Vegas personal injury attorneys online or give us a call at (702) 410-6034.